Readings are a way to check your energies and the energy of the Universe and see how they are working together or in opposition! Sometimes, we are in a time and space of open, growing energies. Other times, we may find ourselves in a time and space of drawing in and retracting energies. Readings can be used as guidance to clue you in to the energy flow of your life at a given time. Consider a reading in much the same way you would a weather report. It presents the energy of your life and the potential for your soul that can help you know what’s “blowing in” and how to prepare for shifts.
Readings raise our awareness to the subtle energies we are sending and receiving from the Universe. Readings can help us to feel and know what is likely to manifest (or not) in the coming weeks and months of your life. Readings are empowering! They are meant to prepare you for the weather ahead in your life and help you identify challenges, life lessons and opportunities that are coming your way.
Readings are not static. Rather, they are a predictive tool of potential energy encounters coming up in your future and should be used as tools for navigating those energies and using them to create the life you desire. The Universe and your life are always moving and flowing. Ultimately, YOU are the major energy force in your life capable of capturing opportunity, avoiding mishaps and shifting events in your favor.

For example, in a reading, the reader says there is a health warning around you this fall. The energy is brewing like a storm around your heart health. You can choose to do nothing with this information and just see how it all manifests or you can use your power to see a physician, stick to a diet, exercise, lose 20 pounds and get your blood pressure in a healthy range. By taking the proper action steps, you can stop and disintegrate the brewing storm energy around your health! Readings are an opportunity for you to make empowered life changes to create your best life.
For some people, readings can simply be fun and nothing more! For others, readings are a source of spiritual support and guidance and an energetic check up on this journey we call life. This is your life! Take all the information you receive from friends, family members, doctors, mentors, teachers, readers and your own intuitive guidance and make your best life choices and actions. You are responsible for the actions and choices that move and create your life. Choose well!
Always be mindful that each reader works differently. Some readers are better at health information while others excel at insight into spiritual lessons and/or life events. Not every reader will resonate for every person so ask yourself what type of reading it is that you are seeking. Whether it is practical earth plane guidance, spiritual growth insights, relationship issues or crossing over messages, there is a reader out there for you. Find the one you vibe with and are open to receive from and then enjoy your reading. Spirit is always speaking to us and readings are a great way to open up to the nudges and messages that the Universe has for you.